
Karuwa Seti Hydropower Project

Assignment Name

Detail Engineering Design and Tender Document Preparation


32 MW

Name of the Client

Jhyamolongma Hydropower Development Company (P) Ltd.

Narrative Description of the Project:

The project is located in Seti river of Kaski district with installed capacity of 32 MW and annual energy generation of 167.56 GWh in average year. The project consists of diversion weir with intake facility to with draw design discharge of 15.3m3/s. There is a surface desilting basin with suitable silt exclusion culvert. Then the flow will be conveyed by a 3.6km long and 3.4m dia. Headrace tunnel after the desilting facilities. There is provision of surge shaft at the end of headrace tunnel and water is conveyed to drop shaft of 6m diameter and length of 35m. Steel penstock pipe of length 808m bifurcates and conveys the design flow to 3 units of horizontal axis Francis turbines installed in the powerhouse located on the right bank of the river. The turbine water is again discharged to Seti River through tailrace channel of 3.2m X 3.5m size and 65m long. There is open switchyard of approximate area 50m X 40m. The generated power will be evacuated from switchyard through the transmission line of single circuit, 132kV capacity and 9.34km length terminating at Lahachowk substation allotted by NEA.


Brief description of Actual Services provided by your staff:

Jade consult completed the detailed engineering design and tender document preparation according to which it provided service such as collection of basic information/data through field surveys, investigations and laboratory tests, review of basic design which includes alignment study, review the results of hydrological study and sediment study of the project site to access its adequacy and reliability, detail power evacuation study, recommendations for construction materials & disposal site.

Detailed engineering design including underground support design, design of access road and transmission line and tender drawings, construction planning and scheduling, detailed quantity estimate, cost estimate and  preparation of complete tender documents (civil works, hydro-mechanical works, electro-mechanical works and transmission line works) was provided.